High-tech Facilities

Equipment and systems necessary for the production of pork


  • Over 90,000 tonnes/year

    Cutting room, with an annual production of over 90,000 tonnes, designed specifically to meet the requirements of the industrial market.

  • Cutting system

    Baucells’ cutting system complies with European standards, which allows us to offer anything from first cuts to various levels of finish depending on the order requirements.

  • Treatment of carcasses

    The correct treatment of the carcasses and external cleaning are key processes for obtaining meat without microbiological contamination.

  • pH control

    Various measures, such as the meat’s pH level, allow us to have an idea of the quality of the meat before it is processed. 

  • Chilling of carcasses

    Fast chilling of carcasses is a basic requirement for the meat to last as long as possible with the best microbiological quality. Baucells chills all carcasses for over two hours at below-zero temperatures, before sending them to the cutting room.

  • X-ray check

    The quality is checked at all times thanks to systems such as X-ray and metal detector checks as well as analytical and visual checks, which are carried out comprehensively.

  • Final hygiene

    Baucells guarantees the hygiene of the containers used and makes the necessary guarantees for maintaining the quality from start to finish.

  • Over 90,000 tonnes/year

  • Cutting system

  • Treatment of carcasses

  • pH control

  • Chilling of carcasses

  • X-ray check

  • Final hygiene


Pol Ind Malloles – Carrer Molí del Llobet, 53
08500 Vic (Barcelona) – P.O.BOX 224
Tel +34 93 886 33 44 – Fax +34 93 889 10 48

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