Quality Guarantees

We work to provide the greatest guarantees in terms of the safety and quality assurance of the meat that we produce. With this aim, we apply a Food Safety Management System that connects the efforts of everyone involved in the production chain. The production process that we follow at Baucells is from the purchase of raw materials to the sale of high-quality pork, all in compliance with the applicable legislation in the sector.

Traceability Processes

  • We enable active communication and collaboration between those responsible for each stage of the production process in order to identify and control possible risks. We collaborate closely with feed manufacturers, pork suppliers and veterinary services.

  • We communicate with agents from the production chain to avoid waste products and zoonoses.

  • We guarantee the meat’s traceability in both directions of the chain, using databases that allow us to quickly gather all the information in the event of an alert.

Pol Ind Malloles – Carrer Molí del Llobet, 53
08500 Vic (Barcelona) – P.O.BOX 224
Tel +34 93 886 33 44 – Fax +34 93 889 10 48

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