who we are

60 years of history

  • 1958

    Ramon Baucells Camps begins to form the company.

  • 1967

    The company Pinsos Baucells, S.A. is established.

  • 1968

    Over time, Pinsos Baucells creates a trusted network of farms and know how.

  • 1970

    The company begins a new policy: the creation of its own farms.

  • 1984

    Javicsa, the meat unit of Pinsos Baucells, begins working as a cutting room.

  • 1987

    The company promotes a growth strategy that materialises in this year as the construction of over 60 pig farms.

  • 1988

    The new feed factory is built in Tona.


  • 1989

    Through Javisca, the company acquires shares in the slaughterhouse Esfosa, S.A.

  • 1992

    Javicsa begins its international expansion by obtaining various approvals.

  • 2003

    The Grup Baucells Alimentació is created by merging Pinsos Baucells and Javicsa.

    The company makes a leap in terms of quality. The new facilities in Vic are opened; in terms of cutting rooms, they are the most modern in Spain.

  • 2005

    The Grup Baucells Alimentació continues the expansion process and opens a new feed factory in the province of Huesca.

  • 2008

    It is time for change. The economic situation forces the Grup Baucells Alimentació to change strategy and redirect its business activity. The company reinvents itself and concentrates most of its activity on the industrial sector.

  • 2015

    The company consolidates its market outside of Spain. It is present on 5 continents: Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Australia.

  • 2018

    Baucells has spent 60 years working with pork. We are specialists in pork. We like pork!

  • 1958

    Ramon Baucells Camps begins to form the company.

  • 1967

    The company Pinsos Baucells, S.A. is established.

  • 1968

    Over time, Pinsos Baucells creates a trusted network of farms and know how.

  • 1970

    The company begins a new policy: the creation of its own farms.

  • 1984

    Javicsa, the meat unit of Pinsos Baucells, begins working as a cutting room. 

  • 1987

    The company promotes a growth strategy that materialises in this year as the construction of over 60 pig farms.

  • 1988

    The new feed factory is built in Tona.


  • 1989

    Through Javisca, the company acquires shares in the slaughterhouse Esfosa, S.A.

  • 1992

    Javicsa begins its international expansion by obtaining various approvals.

  • 2003

    he Grup Baucells Alimentació is created by merging Pinsos Baucells and Javicsa.

    The company makes a leap in terms of quality. The new facilities in Vic are opened; in terms of cutting rooms, they are the most modern in Spain.

  • 2005

    The Grup Baucells Alimentació continues the expansion process and opens a new feed factory in the province of Huesca.

  • 2008

    It is time for change. The economic situation forces the Grup Baucells Alimentació to change strategy and redirect its business activity. The company reinvents itself and concentrates most of its activity on the industrial sector.

  • 2015

    The company consolidates its market outside of Spain. It is present on 5 continents: Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Australia.

  • 2018

    Baucells has spent 60 years working with pork. We are specialists in pork. We like pork!

Our brands

The facilities

  • The slaughterhouse:
    • Preparation and slaughter of raw materials
    • The raw materials enter the cutting room through the connecting tunnel
  • The cutting room:
    • The temperature stability chamber guarantees all the processes
    • Placed in the shipping area, with a box or pallet
  • The freezing process:
    • The pork enters the tunnel freezer
    • Production of the freezer boxes
  • Here is a Title

    Proin facilisis varius nunc. Curabitur eros risus, ultrices et dui ut, luctus accumsan nibh.

  • Here is a Title

    Proin facilisis varius nunc. Curabitur eros risus, ultrices et dui ut, luctus accumsan nibh.

  • Here is a Title

    Proin facilisis varius nunc. Curabitur eros risus, ultrices et dui ut, luctus accumsan nibh.

Pol Ind Malloles – Carrer Molí del Llobet, 53
08500 Vic (Barcelona) – P.O.BOX 224
Tel +34 93 886 33 44 – Fax +34 93 889 10 48
E-mail: baucells@grupbaucells.com

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